Small Crossword Puzzle #70


1. Wonder
4. Bash
7. Faucet
10. Friend
11. Macaws
12. A bone that protects the lungs
13. Contenders
16. A city in northern Italy
17. Coarse obnoxious people
19. Bags
22. Knights
23. Mother of Zeus (Greek mythology)
24. Nipples
26. Plait
27. Instructor
29. Filling to excess
33. Delete (abbrev.)
34. N N N N
35. Estimated Time of Arrival
36. Rulers under the Ottoman Empire
37. Perceive visually
38. Timid

1. Armored Personnel Carrier
2. Anagram of "Haw"
3. Intricately
4. Spheroids
5. Chocolate cookie
6. Twinges
7. Betrayals
8. What we breathe
9. Public Broadcasting System
14. A decapod crustacean
15. Deformed
17. Super Sonic Transport
18. An untruth
20. A New Zealand parrot
21. Saturday (abbrev.)
25. Purchases
26. A stage
28. Ice cream ____
29. Peculiar
30. V
31. The utmost degree
32. Formerly, it meant "Happy"

Crosswords and Sudoku Solution

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