Small Crossword Puzzle #113


1. Largest
7. What you're called
8. Unit of area
10. Heat, water and electricity
12. Mesh
13. Born
14. Separate from the rest
15. Product of human creativity
17. A people of southeast Nigeria
20. Carved
23. 10 10 10 10
24. Downwind
25. Orders of business

1. Restrain or lessen
2. Copying
3. A hair mousse
4. Consume food
5. Iota
6. Oak or birch
7. Religious sister
9. East southeast
11. Silly
15. Portray a role
16. Mother of Zeus (Greek mythology)
18. Stinging insects
19. Lyric poem
21. South-southeast
22. Small boy

Crosswords and Sudoku Solution

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