Small Crossword Puzzle #188


1. Mop
5. Shoot for
11. Ripped
12. Dampen
13. Television award
14. Be imminent
15. Fabric made from camel hair
16. Honey insect
17. Bustle
18. Insane asylum
21. Mar
22. Lukewarm
26. Shoestring
28. Actor ___ Mineo
31. Paddle
32. Apprehend
33. Ointments
35. Latin for "Will be"
36. Australian
37. Prostitute
38. Plates
39. Nature of being

1. Cooks with water vapor
2. An Australian marsupial
3. Fleet of ships
4. A governor in the Ottoman Empire
5. Farewell
6. School term
7. Nipple
8. Concept
9. Rip
10. Prefix indicating "Within"
16. Affability
19. Not hers
20. Snake-like fish
23. Committees
24. Flew too close to the sun (Greek mythology)
25. Reasoned argument
27. Fertile areas in deserts
28. Cigarfish
29. Wild African sheep
30. Not more
34. Residue from a fire
35. South-southeast

Crosswords and Sudoku Solution

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