Small Crossword Puzzle #256


1. Consisting of two
5. Against
9. Sea eagle
10. Change direction
11. Substance dependence
13. Animal pelts
14. Persists
15. Classical music theatre
17. Vampire
19. Born
22. The same
24. A young abandoned animal
25. Drenches
26. Historical periods
27. Nature of being

1. Unable to hear
2. A language of Pakistan and India
3. A nearby galaxy
4. Garland
5. Perfume from flowers
6. Bothers
7. Running gait
8. Hotels
12. Stud on a shoe
16. Coniferous trees
17. Parasitic insect
18. A Hebrew month
20. Consumes food
21. Otherwise
23. Anger

Crosswords and Sudoku Solution

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