Small Crossword Puzzle #273


1. The top of a body of water
7. Hindu princess
8. Press laundry
10. Gift
12. T
13. Residue from a fire
14. Respond
15. Forelimb
17. Utilize
20. Make stronger
23. City in Nevada
24. Green, yellow or lima
25. Tooth doctor

1. Rational
2. Sabotage
3. ___ de Janeiro
4. Goal or objective
5. Monsters
6. Long periods of time
7. Drench
9. The utmost degree
11. Dock
15. Arrangement (abbrev.)
16. Woody perennial grasses
18. A style of jazz singing
19. Even (poetic)
21. French for "No"
22. Sash

Crosswords and Sudoku Solution

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