Small Crossword Puzzle #319


1. Augments
5. Close
9. Type of heron
10. One who dines
12. Steam bath
13. French for "Between"
14. Beak
15. Male geese
17. Resulted
19. Troublesome child
20. Genus of hemlock spruce
22. City in Italy
25. Carried
29. Act like another
31. Earned run average
32. An order of classical Greek architecture
33. Leave in a hurry
35. Insolence (archaic)
36. Nipples
37. Mirth
38. Area of central London

1. Once more
2. Beats thoroughly
3. Lair
4. Platforms for plays
5. Spotted
6. Purse
7. Verbalize
8. Latin for "Earth"
9. Anglo-Saxon slave
11. Repose
16. Grown up
18. Use
21. Visitors
22. What people sleep on
23. Amidst
24. Not urban
26. Ancient Hebrew unit of weight
27. Muse of lyric poetry
28. Weirs
30. Dull pain
34. Chief Executive Officer

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