Small Crossword Puzzle #378


1. Reduce to small pieces
5. Not idle
11. Sea eagle
12. Mariner
13. Cat sound
14. Stinks
15. Front of a ship
16. U-boat
17. Collection
18. A subatomic particle
21. Detection device
22. Wipes furniture
26. Weaponry
28. Garland
31. Extinct flightless bird
32. A state of southwestern India
33. Abide by
35. Against
36. A large black diving duck
37. Part of a foot
38. Upper chamber in a legislature
39. Augments

1. An associate
2. The circle of color around a nipple
3. Precipitated flakes
4. Shape with an axe
5. Ancient Assyrian city
6. Kampuchea
7. Neckwear
8. Sicknesses
9. A field mouse
10. Formerly (archaic)
16. Hussy
19. Gear
20. Kook
23. Endorsed by signature
24. Honked
25. Escargot
27. French for "Our"
28. Young girl
29. Latin for "Behold!"
30. Symbol
34. 7th letter in the Greek alphabet
35. Exclamation of surprise

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