Across 1. Cheddar or gouda, for example 7. Young plants 10. Actress Lupino 11. Relating to an unborn child 12. A member of a Slavic people 14. Exceedingly 15. Used in laser printers 16. A mild expletive 18. Stick around 21. Sludges 23. Beer 24. Someone from Addis Ababa 26. Motor |
Down 1. Yield 2. Intense sorrow 3. Education (abbrev.) 4. Gremlin 5. Sifts 6. Provide amusement 7. Female sibling 8. Needlefish 9. Clever 13. Type of dagger 16. Scottish for "Uncle" 17. Intestine 19. Wings 20. Currency of Japan 22. Marsh (archaic) 25. 3.1415... |
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