Across 1. Agricultural enterprise 5. South American country 9. Margarine 10. Burden 11. Between the ribs and hips 12. Focusing glass 13. They come from hens 14. Wearing footgear 17. Mother 20. Circumference 21. Circle fragments 22. Sediment 23. Docile 24. Exploits |
Down 1. Poultry 2. Wings 3. Make stronger 4. Tiny leafy-stemmed flowerless plants 5. A native of Poland 6. Puzzling 7. A step on a ladder 8. Purposes 14. Unwanted email 15. Not there 16. Platter 17. Big butte 18. Unfreeze 19. Products of human creativity |
Crosswords and Sudoku | Solution | Wordsearches | Start your own daycare |