Small Crossword Puzzle #651


1. Stick
7. Self-employed
10. A hand
11. He had the golden touch
12. Speaker's platform
14. Hoodwink
15. Don't judge a book by this
16. Jacob's brother
18. Gather leaves
21. French for "Our"
23. Louse-to-be
24. Display
26. Muffle


1. Operatic solo
2. Set apart
3. Third person male singular
4. "A Nightmare on ___ Street"
5. Plunderer
6. Stamina
7. Something that is temporarily popular
8. Hat
9. East southeast
13. Informant
16. N N N N
17. Standard operating procedure
19. Pottery oven
20. French for "Summer"
22. Estimated time of arrival
25. A public promotion

Crosswords and Sudoku Solution

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