Small Crossword Puzzle #762


1. Portent
5. Burden
9. Anagram of "Deflation"
10. Goofy
11. An elaborate Hawaiian feast
12. Mix
13. Our star
14. Stop
16. Prefix meaning "Above"
18. Angelic headgear
21. Sheltered, nautically
23. At the peak of
24. Supposedly, it has 100 legs
25. Despise
26. Biblical garden

1. Likelihood
2. Flesh of animals
3. Efficacious
4. French for "Our"
5. Petroleum
6. Sickened
7. A Central American sloth
8. Bowl over
15. Form
16. Apiece
17. Supplication
19. Prospector's find
20. Not closed
22. French for "Summer"

Crosswords and Sudoku Solution

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