Small Crossword Puzzle #763


1. Sequin
7. A-line line
8. Apiece
10. Abnormal narrowing of a passageway
12. Estimate (abbrev.)
13. Chewing or bubble
14. Livestock farm
15. Schuss
17. Clever
20. Unerasable
23. Roman robe
24. Tribe
25. Betwixt

1. Collections
2. Ruffed grouse
3. French for "Friend"
4. Obtain
5. Absurd
6. Beige
7. 180° from NNW
9. Fold over and sew together
11. Artificial waterway
15. Seat oneself
16. A rounded protuberance
18. Scheme
19. Half a score
21. Dine
22. Frozen water

Crosswords and Sudoku Solution

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