Small Crossword Puzzle #811


1. Joined together
7. Clients
10. Paintings
11. Weighty books
12. Sassy
14. Adhesive strip
15. Willow twig
16. Curse
18. Cicatrix
21. Marble
23. Blvd.
24. Sickened
26. Displaying warmth or affection


1. Unadulterated
2. U.S. space traveller
3. That thing
4. Decay
5. Gives expression to
6. Draw the boundaries
7. Hat
8. Representative (abbrev.)
9. 180° from NNW
13. Spreads sleeping sickness
16. Prohibit
17. Ottoman officer
19. Affirm
20. Scarlet
22. Poetic time of day
25. A public promotion

Crosswords and Sudoku Solution

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