Small Crossword Puzzle #941


1. Photographic necessity
7. Self-serve restaurant
10. Choose
11. Vestibule
12. Dregs
14. You (archaic)
15. Equestrian
16. Highest point
18. Liturgy
21. American retailer
23. 2,000 pounds
24. Ossified
26. Pester


1. Superhero accessory
2. Consequence
3. Not you
4. French for "Summer"
5. One who leases
6. Inflammation of a joint
7. Mountain pass
8. Fury
9. Yes to a sailor
13. Mountain range
16. Venomous snake
17. C
19. Foot digits
20. Terminate
22. Knight's title
25. The note before "So"

Crosswords and Sudoku Solution

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