Small Crossword Puzzle #983


1. Movie house
7. Regrets
8. Found in some lotions
10. Inappropriateness
12. Wander aimlessly
13. C
14. Not the most
15. French for "Friend"
17. Ribonucleic acid
20. Trouser
23. Biblical garden
24. Probabilities
25. Demesnes

1. Bluefin
2. Newspaper titles
3. Clairvoyant's gift
4. Buff
5. Anode or cathode
6. Thorny flower
7. 18-wheeler
9. East southeast
11. Crown
15. Gorilla
16. Fabricated
18. Gestures of assent
19. Autonomic nervous system
21. Explosive
22. A parcel of land

Crosswords and Sudoku Solution

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